Results for 'Anna S. Law'

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  1.  52
    Attention capture by faces.Stephen R. H. Langton, Anna S. Law, A. Mike Burton & Stefan R. Schweinberger - 2008 - Cognition 107 (1):330-342.
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    Package downsizing: is it ethical? [REVIEW]Omprakash K. Gupta, Sudhir Tandon, Sukumar Debnath & Anna S. Rominger - 2007 - AI and Society 21 (3):239-250.
    Package downsizing is a practice where the package content is reduced without changing the package or the price of the product. In a market that is defined by ‘hyper-competition,’ package downsizing is often practiced by marketers to effect an invisible price increase for their products. Although marketers may maintain that providing, the legally required, quantity indication on the package is adequate for customers to make logical and informed choices, research indicates that consumers often do not consult quantity indications on packages (...)
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    Genetics and the Law.Aubrey Milunsky, George J. Annas, National Genetics Foundation & American Society of Law and Medicine - 2012 - Springer.
    Society has historically not taken a benign view of genetic disease. The laws permitting sterilization of the mentally re tarded~ and those proscribing consanguineous marriages are but two examples. Indeed as far back as the 5th-10th centuries, B.C.E., consanguineous unions were outlawed (Leviticus XVIII, 6). Case law has traditionally tended toward the conservative. It is reactive rather than directive, exerting its influence only after an individual or group has sustained injury and brought suit. In contrast, state legislatures have not been (...)
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    Introduction.Anna L. Davis, James Dabney Miller, Joshua M. Sharfstein & Aaron S. Kesselheim - 2017 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 45 (s2):5-6.
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    The Boston Medical Center Immigrant Task Force: An Alternative to Teaching Immigration Law to Health Care Providers.Sondra S. Crosby, Lily Sonis & George J. Annas - 2021 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 49 (1):59-63.
    As healthcare providers engage in the politics of reforming and humanizing our immigration and asylum “system” it is critical that they are able to refer their patients whose health is directly impacted by our immigration laws and policies to experts who can help them navigate the system and obtain the healthcare they need.
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    Lachmann's Law Klaus Strunk: Lachmanns Regel für das Lateinische. Eine Revision. (Zeitschrift für vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft, Beiheft Nr. 26.) Pp. 72. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1976. Paper. [REVIEW]Anna Morpurgo Davies - 1979 - The Classical Review 29 (02):259-260.
  7.  33
    Virtue and Law in Plato and Beyond.Julia Annas - 2017 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    Julia Annas explores how Plato's account of the relation of virtue to law developed, and how his ideas were taken up by Cicero and by Philo of Alexandria. She shows that, rather than rejecting the account given in his Republic, Plato develops in the Laws a more careful and sophisticated version of that account.
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    Opening the Pandora’s Box: Kelsen and the Communist theory of law.Anna Lukina - 2020 - Jurisprudence 11 (4):530-551.
    This paper examines Hans Kelsen’s Communist Theory of Law in the context of his general critique of natural law theories. Kelsen argues that since there is no such thing as objectively determined natural law, a theory that attempts to use it to establish constraints on positive law is at risk of automatically justifying the latter. Kelsen deploys this ‘Pandora’s Box Objection’ in his characterisation of the Communist theory of law as the ‘handmaiden’ of the Soviet government that conserved, rather than (...)
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  9. Towards an Eco-Relational Approach: Relational Approaches Must Be Applied in Ethics and Law.Anna Puzio - 2024 - Philosophy and Technology 37 (67):1-5.
    Relational approaches are gaining more and more importance in philosophy of tech-nology. This brings up the critical question of how they can be implemented in applied ethics, law, and practice. In “Extremely Relational Robots: Implications for Law and Ethics”, Nancy S. Jecker (2024) comments on my article “Not Relational Enough? Towards an Eco-Relational Approach in Robot Ethics” (Puzio, 2024), in which I present a deep relational, “eco-relational approach”. In this reply, I address two of Jecker’s criticisms: in section. 3, I (...)
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    Law's Entities: Complexity, Plasticity and Justice.Anna Grear - 2013 - Jurisprudence 4 (1):76-101.
    This article locates a theoretical reflection on the form of legal subjectivity against twenty-first century complexities and pressures, including the structural complexities visible in biotechnological developments, new hybridities and numerous contemporary theoretical and practical manifestations of heterogeneity, multiplicity and complexity emerging in a range of disciplines, including cybernetics, techno-theory, post-humanism and ecology. The author defends the theoretical and critical utility of understanding the legal subject as an explicit (and explicitly limited ) constructus . Criticising the constructed naturalism (and the historical (...)
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    Blueprint for Transparency at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration: Recommendations to Advance the Development of Safe and Effective Medical Products.Joshua M. Sharfstein, James Dabney Miller, Anna L. Davis, Joseph S. Ross, Margaret E. McCarthy, Brian Smith, Anam Chaudhry, G. Caleb Alexander & Aaron S. Kesselheim - 2017 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 45 (s2):7-23.
    BackgroundThe U.S. Food and Drug Administration traditionally has kept confidential significant amounts of information relevant to the approval or non-approval of specific drugs, devices, and biologics and about the regulatory status of such medical products in FDA’s pipeline.ObjectiveTo develop practical recommendations for FDA to improve its transparency to the public that FDA could implement by rulemaking or other regulatory processes without further congressional authorization. These recommendations would build on the work of FDA’s Transparency Task Force in 2010.MethodsIn 2016-2017, we convened (...)
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    International Law, Social Change and Resistance: A Conversation Between Professor Anna Grear (Cardiff) and Professorial Fellow Dianne Otto.Dianne Otto & Anna Grear - 2018 - Feminist Legal Studies 26 (3):351-363.
    This conversation between two scholars of international law focuses on the contemporary realities of feminist analysis of international law and on current and future spaces of resistance. It notes that feminism has moved from the margin towards the centre, but that this has also come at a cost. As the language of women’s rights and gender equality has travelled into the international policy worlds of crisis management and peace and security, feminist scholars need to become more careful in their analysis (...)
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    Insolvency law’s limits on the disciplinary powers of professional regulators: an update from Canada.Anna Lund - 2016 - Legal Ethics 19 (2):320-323.
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    AT LAW: She's Going to Die: The Case of Angela C.George J. Annas - 1988 - Hastings Center Report 18 (1):23-25.
  15.  27
    At Law: Outrageous Fortune: Selling Other People's Cells.George J. Annas - 1990 - Hastings Center Report 20 (6):36.
  16. Hannah Arendt reads Carl Schmitt’s The Nomos of the Earth: A dialogue on law and geopolitics from the margins.Anna Jurkevics - 2017 - European Journal of Political Theory 16 (3):345-366.
    Many studies have deduced subterranean dialogues between Hannah Arendt and Carl Schmitt from indirect evidence. This article uses new evidence from marginalia in Arendt’s copy of Nomos of the Earth and finds that she formed, but never published, an incisive critique of Schmitt’s geopolitics. Through an analysis of Arendt’s comments on the topics of soil, conquest, and contract, I show that Arendt deemed Schmitt’s theory to be imperialist and in contradiction with itself. Her reading of Schmitt prompts important new questions (...)
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  17.  39
    At Law: Who's Afraid of the Human Genome?George J. Annas - 1989 - Hastings Center Report 19 (4):19.
  18.  52
    LAW & PSYCHIATRY: When Must the Doctor Warn Others of the Potential Dangerousness of His Patient's Condition?George J. Annas - 1975 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 3 (2):2-2.
  19. Regulative Strategies in Arbitration Law: Uncitral Model Law on International CommercialArbitration (UNCITRAL) compared withArbitration Law of the People's Republic of China.Anna Trosborg - 2004 - Hermes 32:99-115.
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    At Law: Ethics Committees: From Ethical Comfort to Ethical Cover.George J. Annas - 1991 - Hastings Center Report 21 (3):18.
    With this issue George Annas contributes his last At Law to the Hastings Center Report. Since the column was inaugurated in 1976 as Law and the Life Sciences, George has charted the course of biomedical ethics in the courts, challenging readers to come to grips with an emerging body of law in provocative analyses of critical decisions. As he retires from this column we wish him well, and look forward to his continued contributions to our pages. In bidding farewell to (...)
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  21.  9
    Cop to Cop: Negotiating Privacy and Security in the Examining Room.Sondra S. Crosby & George J. Annas - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (1):169-171.
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    The Guardians and the Law in Plato’s Republic.Julia Annas - 2024 - In David Keyt & Christopher Shields, Principles and Praxis in Ancient Greek Philosophy: Essays in Ancient Greek Philosophy in Honor of Fred D. Miller, Jr. Springer Verlag. pp. 99-113.
    I begin with some points from the Republic which are familiar, perhaps over-familiar, to everyone, and then raise an issue about the role of law in Kallipolis which points us to something not so familiar. I hope that this contribution to honoring Fred Miller will lead to the kind of discussion that his own work has stimulated over the years, across an incredibly wide range of topics. I am honored and delighted to contribute to honoring Fred, and hope that this (...)
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    The Nature of International Law.Anna Södersten & Dennis Patterson - 2015 - In Dennis Patterson, A Companion to European Union Law and International Law. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 16–25.
    This chapter discusses the theory of international law. In analytic jurisprudence, at least since the latter half of the twentieth century, the primary debate in general jurisprudence has been between legal positivism and its most ardent critic, Ronald Dworkin. The positivist tradition is represented here by its two most important theorists, Hans Kelsen and H.L.A. Hart. During their careers, Kelsen and Hart clashed over the best understanding of legal positivism. For his part, Dworkin devoted the bulk of his critical attention (...)
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  24.  26
    Law and the Life Sciences: 'Blue Jeans for You, Brown Lung for Us': OSHA's Cotton Dust Standard.George J. Annas - 1981 - Hastings Center Report 11 (5):15.
  25. Flat ontology and differentiation : in defence of Bennett's vital materialism, and some thoughts towards decolonial new materialisms for international law.Anna Grear - 2024 - In Matilda Arvidsson & Emily Jones, International law and posthuman theory. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  26. Customary Laws and Their Impact on Women.Anna Gotlib - 2011 - In The Multimedia Encyclopedia of Women in Today's World. Sage Press.
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    The Sharia Debate in Ontario: Gender, Islam, and Representations of Muslim Women's Agency.Anna C. Korteweg - 2008 - Gender and Society 22 (4):434-454.
    In late 2003, the Canadian media reported that the Islamic Institute of Civil Justice would start offering arbitration in family disputes in accordance with both Islamic legal principles and Ontario's Arbitration Act of 1991. A vociferous two-year debate ensued on the introduction of “Sharia law” in Ontario. This article analyzes representations of Muslim women's agency that came to the fore in this debate by examining reports in three Canadian newspapers. The debate demonstrated two notions of agency. The predominant perspective conceptualized (...)
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    Gene Mapping: Using Law and Ethics as Guides.George J. Annas & Sherman Elias - 1992 - Oxford University Press USA.
    This timely work brings together a group of the nation's leading experts in genetics, medicine, history of science, health, law, philosophy of science, and medical ethics to assess the current state of modern human genetics, and to begin to chart the legal and ethical guidelines needed to prevent the misuse of human genetics from leading to the abuse of human beings. The six sections of the book, read together, map the social policy con tours of modern human genetics. The first (...)
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  29.  42
    Legal Imaginaries and the Anthropocene: ‘Of’ and ‘For’.Anna Grear - 2020 - Law and Critique 31 (3):351-366.
    This reflection contrasts the dominant imaginary underlying ‘lawofthe Anthropocene’ with an imaginary reaching towards ‘law/sforthe Anthropocene’. It does so primarily by contrasting two imaginaries of human embodiment—law’s existing imaginary of quasi-disembodiment and an alternative imaginary of embodiment as co-woven with the lively incipiencies and tendencies of matter. It draws on ‘transcorporeality’ and ‘sympoiesis’ as inspiration for ‘sympoietic normativities’ as ways of co-living and co-organizing in the face of the catastrophic implications of the Anthropocene emergency.
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    How useful is the concept of the ‘harm threshold’ in reproductive ethics and law?Anna Smajdor - 2014 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 35 (5):321-336.
    In his book Reasons and Persons, Derek Parfit suggests that people are not harmed by being conceived with a disease or disability if they could not have existed without suffering that particular condition. He nevertheless contends that entities can be harmed if the suffering they experience is sufficiently severe. By implication, there is a threshold which divides harmful from non-harmful conceptions. The assumption that such a threshold exists has come to play a part in UK policy making. I argue that (...)
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  31.  51
    Graffiti and Colonial Unknowing: A Comment on Mishuana Goeman's "Caring for Landscapes of Justice in Perilous Settler Environments".Anna Cook - 2024 - The Pluralist 19 (1):64-70.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Graffiti and Colonial Unknowing:A Comment on Mishuana Goeman's "Caring for Landscapes of Justice in Perilous Settler Environments"Anna Cookin "caring for landscapes of justice in Perilous Settler Environments," Dr. Goeman shows how the NDN Collective's initiatives, Chemehuevi photographer Cara Romero's Tongvaland project, and the works of Gabrieliño Tongva artist Mercedes Dorame "exemplify communities of care" that work toward "the unmapping of settler terrains" ("Caring for Landscapes" 51). Her address (...)
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    After the Smoke Clears: The Just War Tradition and Post-War Justice.Anna Floerke Scheid - 2012 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 32 (2):223-224.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:After the Smoke Clears: The Just War Tradition and Post-War JusticeAnna Floerke ScheidAfter the Smoke Clears: The Just War Tradition and Post-War Justice Mark J. Allman and Tobias L. Winright Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 2010. 220 pp. $20.00Beginning with Ezekiel’s imagery of a field filled with dry bones in the aftermath of war, Mark J. Allman and Tobias L. Winright approach the burgeoning question of how best to (...)
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    Women and health research: ethical and legal issues of including women in clinical studies.Anna C. Mastroianni, Ruth R. Faden & Daniel D. Federman (eds.) - 1994 - Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press.
    Executive Summary There is a general perception that biomedical research has not given the same attention to the health problems of women that it has given ...
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    The Source of Actual Terror: The Philippine Macho-Fascist Duterte.Anna Romina Guevarra & Maya Arcilla - 2020 - Feminist Studies 46 (2):489-494.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Feminist Studies 46, no. 2. © 2020 by Feminist Studies, Inc. 489 Anna Romina Guevarra and Maya Arcilla The Source of Actual Terror: The Philippine Macho-Fascist Duterte  What is JUSTICE with the violence you’ve waged  What is FREEDOM? Our people are encaged  What is JUSTICE with the violence you’ve waged?  What is FREEDOM? Our people are encaged  We have nothing to lose—nothing but (...)
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    As the God Leads.Anna B. Christensen - 2020 - Ancient Philosophy 40 (2):267-284.
    Disparities between Plato’s Phaedo and Laws have made some scholars question whether the texts can offer a consistent view of suicide. While the Phaedo’s arguments are presented in religious terms, the Laws’ arguments are expressed on legal grounds. Moreover, the Laws appears to endorse more permissive exceptions than the Phaedo does. I argue that the texts present a consistent account, despite initial appearances. Both texts have the same grounds prohibiting suicide, and the Phaedo’s exception is broad enough to include the (...)
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    Between Exception and Normality: Schmittian Dictatorship and the Soviet Legal Order.Anna Lukina - 2022 - Ratio Juris 35 (2):139-157.
    This article addresses Schmitt’s concept of sovereign dictatorship—a departure from the normal legal order aiming to bring about a new mode of legality—as applied to the Marxist, and then Soviet, “dictatorship of the proletariat.” Unlike Schmitt, Marx and Engels, as well as Soviet legal theorists, saw the space for law even while aiming to dispense with the legal form on the road to communism. This is best explained by Schmitt’s failure to recognize the importance of legal systems not only for (...)
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  37. The ethics of cellular reprogramming.Anna Smajdor & Adrian Villalba - forthcoming - Cellular Reprogramming 25.
    Louise Brown's birth in 1978 heralded a new era not just in reproductive technology, but in the relationship between science, cells, and society. For the first time, human embryos could be created, selected, studied, manipulated, frozen, altered, or destroyed, outside the human body. But with this possibility came a plethora of ethical questions. Is it acceptable to destroy a human embryo for the purpose of research? Or to create an embryo with the specific purpose of destroying it for research? In (...)
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    “But You Would Be the Best Mother”: Unwomen, Counterstories, and the Motherhood Mandate.Anna Gotlib - 2016 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 13 (2):327-347.
    This paper addresses and challenges the pronatalist marginalization and oppression of voluntarily childless women in the Global North. These conditions call for philosophical analyses and for sociopolitical responses that would make possible the necessary moral spaces for resistance. Focusing on the relatively privileged subgroups of women who are the targets of pronatalist campaigns, the paper explores the reasons behind their choices, the nature and methods of Western pronatalism, and distinguishes three specific sources of some of the more lasting, and stigmatizing (...)
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    Women and Health Research: A Report from the Institute of Medicine.Anna C. Mastroianni, Ruth Faden & Daniel Federman - 1994 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 4 (1):55-62.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Women and Health Research:A Report from the Institute of MedicineAnna C. Mastroianni (bio), Ruth Faden (bio), and Daniel Federman (bio)In recent years, claims have been made by segments of the research community and by women's health advocacy groups that clinical research practices and policies have not benefitted women's health to the same extent as men's health. Central to these claims has been an assertion that women have been inadequately (...)
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  40.  54
    Are citizens culpable for state action?Anna Stilz - 2023 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 22 (4):381-406.
    International law holds that states are holistically responsible for their acts. Yet what does the ascription of responsibility to the state imply about the responsibility of its citizens? This article argues that most citizens in a representative democracy bear culpability in association with their state's wrongful acts. Most democratic citizens can be blamed for empowering representatives to act on their behalf, and then failing to adequately oversee and dissent from the specific wrongful decisions their representatives made. This gives culpable citizens (...)
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    Islam, Women and Violence.Anna King - 2009 - Feminist Theology 17 (3):292-328.
    Islam is a religion of vast dimensions which has inspired great civilizations and today offers many men and women comfort and ethical guidance. In this paper I suggest that the tension between the Qur'an accepted as the perfect timeless word of God and the encultured dynamic Islam of nearly a quarter of the world's population results in contending perspectives of women's role and rights. The Qur'an gives men and women spiritual parity, but there are verses in the Qur'an that some (...)
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  42.  33
    Made in the U.S.A.: Legal and Ethical Issues in Artificial Heart Experimentation.George J. Annas - 1986 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 14 (3-4):164-171.
  43. The ex ante pareto principle.Anna Mahtani - 2017 - Journal of Philosophy 114 (6):303-323.
    The concept of ‘pareto superiority’ plays a central role in ethics, economics, and law. Pareto superiority is sometimes taken as a relation between outcomes, and sometimes as a relation between actions—even where the outcomes of the actions are uncertain. Whether one action is classed as (ex ante) pareto superior to another depends on the prospects under the actions for each person concerned. I argue that a person’s prospects (in this context) can depend on how that person is designated. Without any (...)
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  44. Decolonization and self-determination.Anna Stilz - 2015 - Social Philosophy and Policy 32 (1):1-24.
    Abstract:While self-determination is a cardinal principle of international law, its meaning is often obscure. Yet international law clearly recognizes decolonization as a central application of the principle. Most ordinary people also agree that the liberation of colonial peoples was a moral triumph. This essay examines three philosophical theories of self-determination’s value, and asks which one best captures the reasons why decolonization was morally required. The instrumentalist theory holds that decolonization was required because subject peoples were unjustly governed, the democratic view (...)
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  45.  96
    Preventing the Slide down the Slippery Slope from Assisted Suicide to Euthanasia While Protecting the Rights of People with Disabilities Who Are “Not Dead Yet.”.George J. Annas & Heidi B. Kummer - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (9):20-22.
    Since at least the advent of Jack Kevorkian’s “suicide machine” the major argument against adopting physician-assisted suicide laws has been that they will lead us down a slippery slope to state-sa...
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    Theorising the Rainbow? The puzzle of the public-private divide.Anna Grear - 2003 - Res Publica 9 (2):169-194.
    Two influential approaches to conceptualising the relationship between public and private law have suggested that the distinction between them should be abandoned. The first, as exemplified by Oliver, suggests that the distinction should be abandoned in favour of fusion based on the notion of commonality. The second, as exemplified by Teubner, rejects fusion, arguing for the replacement of the distinction with a concept capturing the multi-dimensional complexity of law in multiple social contexts: `polycontexturality'. This article focuses primarily on exploring conceptual (...)
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    Basements and Intersections.Anna Carastathis - 2013 - Hypatia 28 (4):698-715.
    In this paper, I revisit Kimberlé Crenshaw's argument in “Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex” (1989) to recover a companion metaphor that has been largely forgotten in the “mainstreaming” of intersectionality in (white-dominated) feminist theory. In addition to the now-famous intersection metaphor, Crenshaw offers the basement metaphor to show how—by privileging monistic, mutually exclusive, and analogically constituted categories of “race” and “sex” tethered, respectively, to masculinity and whiteness—antidiscrimination law functions to reproduce social hierarchy, rather than to remedy it, denying (...)
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    Welfare reform and the subject of the working mother: “Get a job, a better job, then a career”.Anna C. Korteweg - 2003 - Theory and Society 32 (4):445-480.
    Until 1996, poor single mothers in the United States could claim welfare benefits for themselves and their children under the Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) program if they had no other source of income. With the 1996 passage of the Personal Responsibility Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA), paid work and work-related activities became a mandatory condition for receiving aid. At the same time, the law promotes marriage as a route out of poverty. Using a feminist reinterpretation of Althusser’s (...)
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  49.  29
    Vulnerability: reflections on a new ethical foundation for law and politics.Martha Fineman & Anna Grear (eds.) - 2013 - Burlington, VT: Ashgate.
    Martha Albertson Fineman's earlier work developed a theory of inevitable and derivative dependencies as a way of problematizing the core assumptions underlying the 'autonomous' subject of liberal law and politics in the context of US equality discourse. Her 'vulnerability thesis' represents the evolution of that earlier work and situates human vulnerability as a critical heuristic for exploring alternative legal and political foundations. This book draws together major British and American scholars who present different perspectives on the concept of vulnerability and (...)
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    Ethical Climates in For-Profit, Nonprofit, and Government Skilled Nursing Facilities.Anna A. Filipova - 2011 - Jona’s Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation 13 (4):125-131.
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